Product packaging can have a huge impact on your bottom-line.
However, it remains something that is constantly overlooked by (most) marketers.
65 per cent of customers have tried a new product because they were simply attracted by packaging.
55 per cent are likely to purchase the same product again because they like the way it’s packed.
To illustrate just how much impact product packaging can have on the psyche of the consumer, think about the following three products:
Apple iPhone.
McDonald's fries.
Wedding ring.
Did it take much effort to picture the product packaging for each of these three products?
Probably not.
Apple’s iPhone comes in a crisp, minimalistic white box oozing with quality and brand appeal.
McDonald’s fries are served in a bright red-coloured cardboard sleeve featuring the infamous “golden arches” on the front.
And wedding rings...well, they’re packaged in solid, well-crafted boxes that scream “something previous lives in here!”
The bottom-line here is that product packaging not only has a huge impact on the psyche of your customers but also, your bottom-line.
Why? Because product packaging has the power to positively affect brand perception and consumer purchasing decisions.
In essence, product packaging not only tells you something about the product it holds but also, the brand behind the product.
Apples’ crisp, white, high-quality boxes, tell you that Apple cares about simplicity, minimalism, and created the most refined product on the market.
McDonald’s precisely-crafted sleeves tell you that they’re all about efficiency and speed.
Most consumers aren’t consciously aware of the affect product packaging has on them but as marketers (or business owners), this is something you need to think about.
The infographic below not only details the importance of product packaging (note: there are plenty of stats and figures that prove just how important it really is - keep reading) but also, how to create epic product packaging, even if you’re on a limited budget.